Pogoji in določila

Pogoji za uporabo spletne strani www.littlegiantladder.eu

1. Ta dokument predstavlja naše pogoje za uporabo spletnega mesta www.littlegiantladder.eu, ureja uporabo spletnega mesta in vključuje sklenitev pogodbe o nakupu med vami in podjetjem, ki upravlja s tem spletnim mestom.


Venta Trade LTD
3 Panayot Hitov
Burgas 8000


Your access to and use of the Service of “Venta Trade” LTD is conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Services of www.littlegiantladder.eu.

Z dostopom do storitve ali njeno uporabo se strinjate, da vas ti pogoji zavezujejo. Če se ne strinjate s katerim koli delom teh pogojev, ne smete dostopati do storitve.

Z uporabo tega spletnega mesta se strinjate, da boste upoštevali veljavne pogoje in tudi vse druge pravne predpise Republike Bolgarije, Evropske unije in mednarodnega prava, tudi če niso navedeni v veljavnem besedilu.

The Company “Venta Trade” LTD gives you the ability to read all the Terms and Conditions but we don’t take responsibility if you do not do this. The Company “Venta Trade” LTD may revoke or modify any of the foregoing rights at any time, all changes will be published at www.littlegiantladder.eu.

Upoštevajte, da so spletno mesto, njegova vsebina in vsi materiali, objavljeni na www.littlegiantladder.eu, lahko predmet pravic intelektualne lastnine. Zaščiteni so z zakoni o avtorskih in sorodnih pravicah, uredbami EU, zakoni Republike Bolgarije, Evropske unije in drugimi mednarodnimi normativnimi akti.

Spletna trgovina vsebuje gradivo, imena ali blagovne znamke, ki so lahko last drugih podjetij, organizacij in združenj ter so prav tako zaščiteni z zakoni o avtorskih pravicah in blagovnih znamkah.

The contents of the website www.littlegiantladder.eu may not be used, copied and distributed without the explicit written consent of “Venta Trade” LTD.

Any other use, including but not limited to the reproduction, distribution, display or transmission of the content of this site is strictly prohibited unless authorized by “Venta Trade” LTD.

Vaš dostop do spletnega mesta www.littlegiantladder.eu in njegove vsebine vam ne daje licence ali katere koli druge pravice do uporabe intelektualne lastnine, blagovnih znamk ali logotipov na spletnem mestu www.littlegiantladder.eu brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja družbe ali tretjih oseb, ki so lahko lastniki gradiva ali intelektualne lastnine, prikazane na spletnem mestu.


“Venta Trade” LTD guarantees complete confidentiality of personal data of its customers, declaring that it will not be used for purposes other than their initial purposes, which are as follows:

-kontaktiranje stranke pri določanju podrobnosti naročila in/ali načinov dostave in plačila;

- izpolnjevanje podatkov, ki jih je uporabnik posredoval ob izdaji obrazca za informacije o naročilu;

- izpolnjevanje podatkov, ki jih uporabnik navede na računu in/ali predračunu;

- izpolnitev podatkov, ki jih je uporabnik navedel v garancijski kartici, priloženi kupljenemu izdelku (če je izdelek v garanciji).


GDPR je nova uredba, ki je začela veljati 25. maja 2018. Državljanom Evropske unije (EU) omogoča boljši nadzor nad njihovimi osebnimi podatki. Prav tako posodablja in poenoti pravila, ki podjetjem omogočajo, da zmanjšajo birokracijo in imajo koristi od večjega zaupanja potrošnikov.

We, “Venta Trade” LTD the owners of this online shop, took all necessary precautions according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. All users of our online shop can easily and fast manage the personal information and data kept on our server by placing an order. You may request a statement on what data is stored with us about you and/or your account at any time.

Zbrane podatke uporabljamo za obdelavo vaših naročil in njihovo pošiljanje ter zagotavljamo, da vaših podatkov brez vašega soglasja ne bodo uporabljale tretje osebe. Če ne želite, da se vaši podatki po prejemu naročila shranijo pri nas, nam lahko na naš elektronski naslov napišete zahtevo za izbris vaših podatkov. Če imate težave in se ne morete sami spopasti z njimi, se obrnite na nas, da vam pomagamo.


- postavljanje povezav na druga spletna mesta in vire za prodajo blaga in opravljanje storitev tretjih oseb, vključno s povezavami, ki kažejo na druga spletna mesta;

- pošiljanje novic uporabniku, na katere se je uporabnik naročil;

– collect and use information about its Users, which may include name, middle name, surname, address, profession, gender, age group, telephone, e-mail address for correspondence and any other information provided by the User, being entered or provides upon requesting, receiving or using the services of the company, participating in promotions, raffles, and competitions, filling in questionnaires, forms and more. The “Venta Trade” LTD will use this data in strict compliance with GDPR.


www.littlegiantladder.eu uporablja "piškotke" za pridobivanje informacij o naših obiskovalcih. Piškotki nam pomagajo izboljšati vašo izkušnjo med obiskom našega spletnega mesta. Zagotavljajo nam statistične informacije o vedenju strank in nam pomagajo izboljšati naše storitve. Ko prvič obiščete naše spletno mesto, imate možnost, da se strinjate ali zavrnete uporabo piškotkov v svojem brskalniku. Če se želite strinjati, kliknite gumb "Strinjam se" v pojavnem oknu. Zavrnete jih lahko tako, da kliknete gumb "Prekliči" ali upravljate svoj račun. Piškotke lahko blokirate prek spletnega brskalnika ali druge komercialno dostopne programske opreme. Vendar vam zaradi tega nekatere funkcije našega spletnega mesta morda ne bodo na voljo.

Več o GDPR lahko izveste tukaj: https://www.eugdpr.org/.


The beginning of the commercial relationship between the customer and the “Venta Trade” LTD begins when an order is sent by the consumer: after filling in the required personal or company data, agreeing to the general terms and conditions for the purchase and sale of goods and/or services from the “Venta Trade” LTD through the online store at www.littlegiantladder.eu.


Izvršitev naročila se začne v trenutku, ko je naročilo prejeto. Če je naročilo oddano pred 14. uro na dan nakupa, bo obdelano še isti dan, mi pa vas bomo dodatno kontaktirali, da pojasnimo razpoložljivost, načine dostave in pogoje.

If the order is placed after 14:00 or on a non-working day for “Venta Trade” LTD or during off-hours, then its execution will start on the next business day or at the beginning of the next working week. If the price of the products is changed during the period between the submission of the order and the delivery, the customer pays the price of the goods in their final order.


The customer has the right to change or cancel his order within the time of processing. In case of change/cancellation of the order, the User is not obliged to purchase goods of the same value or goods of the same brand. If an invoice is issued, the invoice is canceled or credit note is created. If the amount of the product/s is already paid, it will be refunded to the consumer. If the goods are received by the consumer and he has canceled the order, the consumer is obliged to return the goods to “Venta Trade” LTD, as well as to pay the transport costs of the goods in both directions.


“Venta Trade” LTD takes the responsibility to track the movement of the goods after they are delivered to the courier company. The customer has the right to be informed of the location of the goods, the time remaining until delivery, and the delivery number (if any).

In case of delay of the delivery, due to the courier company fault, “Venta Trade” LTD is obliged to notify the user, as soon as a delay signal by the courier company arrives. All shipments are insured for the full declared product value and in case of loss by the courier company “Venta Trade” LTD is obliged to resend the shipment.


Stranka prejme zahtevano blago na navedenem naslovu za dostavo ali v najbližji poslovalnici kurirske družbe. Kupec ob dostavi prejme blago z garancijsko kartico (če ima kupljeno blago garancijo). Rok dobave naročenega blaga/storitev je 10 delovnih dni od datuma plačila, če je izdelek/storitev na voljo. Če želeni izdelek ni na voljo in/ali ima druge pogoje za ekspresno dostavo, bo potrošnik ob prejemu naročila obveščen o roku možne dostave.

Informacije o ceni dostave so objavljene na spletni strani www.littlegiantladder.eu.


The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract and return the goods within thirty working days from the moment of receiving them. This date is mentioned in the documentation of the courier company with which the “Venta Trade” LTD works. The customer is obliged to pay the delivery of the goods back to the address specified by the “Venta Trade” LTD. The goods must be in a good commercial appearance. There should not be visible scratches or deformations on the surfaces of the goods. The packaging, the documentation and everything accompanying the product also should be returned. According to the LPC Article 55 (6) the “Venta Trade” LTD is obliged to restore the customer the full purchase value of the goods, not later than 30 days from the date on which the customer exercised his right to withdraw from the contract.


Claims regarding goods purchased by “Venta Trade” LTD shall be accepted if they are made on time, within fourteen working days from purchase. The company takes responsibility to enter them in the relevant register following Article 127 (2) of the LPP. Only claims on goods that are in good commercial appearance are accepted: no missing packaging or documentation, no visible scratches on the surfaces of the products, no missing components of the goods.


Before using any item, the user is obliged to read the specific conditions for the safe operation with the product which is attached to the product. In case of their non-compliance, “Venta Trade” LTD takes no responsibility for damages and breach of warranty due to improper use of a product purchased from the online store.


Garancija je veljavna pod pogoji uporabe zadevnega izdelka in ne zajema težav, ki so nastale namerno in/ali po krivdi stranke.

The warranty of the goods and services offered by the e-shop of “Venta Trade” LTD is under the warranty period provided by the manufacturer.


V primeru spora lahko stranka/uporabnik spor predloži v obravnavo neposredno prodajalcu po telefonu, elektronski pošti, prek obrazca za povratne informacije in korespondenčnega naslova, določenega v teh pogojih. Če stranki ne dosežeta dogovora in se spor ne reši na ta način, se lahko spor predloži v reševanje pristojni instituciji za alternativno reševanje sporov (ARS); v tem primeru trgovec stranki zagotovi informacije v papirni ali drugi trajni obliki, spletni naslov ustreznih subjektov ARS in navede, ali jih bo uporabila.

V skladu z odstavkom 181n, pododstavek 1 in 2 PCA in odobril minister za gospodarstvo, seznam institucij za alternativno reševanje potrošniških sporov, institucija za alternativno reševanje sporov, v katerega področje spada trenutna e-trgovina trgovina in ki je trgovec zavezan sodeluje v Splošni spravni komisiji je Komisija za varstvo potrošnikov Burgas mesto, Burgas območje.

Za spletno reševanje sporov lahko uporabite platformo EU za spletno reševanje sporov (platforma ODR), ki potrošnikom in trgovcem v EU ponuja možnost izvensodne rešitve sporov, ki nastanejo pri spletnih nakupih. Ta platforma je enostavno in interaktivno spletno mesto, ki je brezplačno in dostopno v vseh uradnih jezikih EU. Prek platforme ODR lahko potrošnik in trgovec poiščeta ustrezno institucijo za reševanje sporov, na katero lahko naslovita spor in rešita svojo pritožbo. Platforma ODR je na voljo tukaj: http://ec.europa.eu/odr.

The General Terms and Conditions may be changed unilaterally by “Venta Trade” LTD, which, after making the changes, is obliged to notify the User by posting a notice on the website prominently. Changes in the General Terms and Conditions do not affect the relations between the User and the “Venta Trade” LTD, which have been valid before the request of purchase.

Za nerešene spore se bo uporabljala veljavna zakonodaja Republike Bolgarije o nizkih zneskih.

  • V košarici ni izdelkov.